Saturday, July 29, 2006

Hella hot deals

Sorry I havent updated in a while, I've been busy with things. I think this post is kinda cool, so read ahead!

This post is dedicated to an awesome site I've been using the past month, called SlickDeals (

Specifically, I want to refer you to the forums page, and underneath that, the Hot Deals section.

This is a section of the site that is constantly updated. People post deals they find on cool stuff. I have to admit some of the stuff is REALLY Far fetched. They do an insane combination of Price Matching at Circuit City (CC) or Staples and then there's some coupon and then a rebate making the final price of something thats like 80 bucks more like 10 bucks. They call these schemes YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary) depending on if the store accepts the Price Match (PM) and After Rebates (AR) etc etc.

However, a good many of the deals are really legitimate.

More specifically, I want to talk about one my good friend Raghu found the other day.

Fandango was offering a promotion for Al Gore's documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" (IMDB link)

The promotion was as follows: $20 off a fandango purchase. (Current Coupon Code: AnInconvenientTruth5 - it may change) An average ticket (lets assume $10 flat) plus a $1 service charge a.k.a. comission from Fandango leaves us at $11 total for a movie ticket on Fandango. Suppose you bought a ticket for yourself, leaving you with a free movie ticket ($11 -$20 off = $0 charged to your Credit Card) And for those of you schemers, you cant get a $9 credit onto your account, doesnt work that way

Suppose you wanted to be generous and buy your girlfriend a ticket. Thats 2 tickets x $11/ticket making it $22. Take the $20 discount and we get a grand total of $2 for two tickets to see this movie. A night out for two dollars, not bad if your girl tends to be a little hard on your wallet :)

I tried this deal, and it worked. So I told a bunch of friends about it and well got a group of like 12 people to go to see this movie at Santana Row friday night. I liked the movie, but I took a course in Meteorology (METO123: Causes and Implications of Global Change) so I had generally seen/heard most of the stuff in this movie. It was generally entertaining.

My one minute movie review:
Gore does a good job of presenting the facts in this movie. The movie does not get boring, although Gore himself is known as a bore. There are interludes to the actual argument which detail Gore's personal life, such as how he almost lost his son and about his personal trips to the North and South Pole, and the Amazon. These do not really detract from the movie but they do shift the focus away from the argument on Global Warming and tell the viewer WHY Gore decided to take on this project of making people aware of Global Warming. He wants to leave a better world for his children to enjoy because he was given this world as a child and enjoyed it as such. The movie is decently humorous (even more if you take a liberal view on things) and did you know Gore had a pony??? LOL

If you care to see the movie (for free, or for a dollar) you can still do so. My Friend Munjal detailed how to do so on his blog, the slick deals page has the old code on it last I checked, so I am going to refer you to his blog HERE. the deal works, and I enjoyed the movie.

The site has good deals, including stuff like a Haircut for $5.99 at Great Clips (link here) and things. Take some time to look at this website, I think on balance its a good site.

If you find any other such sites, comment-link them, good deals are always fun to find. I want to thank Slick Deals for wasting a ton of my time and ruining my life and my wallet haha.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does everyone (i use this term loosely since i am at least one exception) think Al Gore is boring? WAAAH. I protest. AL GORE INTERESTING

8:31 PM  
Blogger AC said...

I am really not sure, I dont find him that boring, in fact, if one were to go solely by this movie one would think he is downright hilarious

12:15 AM  
Blogger arun said...

his beard was sexy

9:21 PM  

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