Monday, May 01, 2006

Study Days

I suppose this post is a little more specific to the University of Maryland, but I'm sure its applicable elsewhere

A small note to my high school friends and readers:
Usually colleges and universities have a period of study days after the final day of classes of roughly three days to about a week.

Here at Maryland, we get one day.

This isnt like my previous post of inspiring debate, I will here attempt to justify the reasons for extending the study break for more than one day.

I suppose one of the primary reasons that we do not start school any earlier is that our winter term lasts through the end of january, hence we are one of the only schools that start our spring semester after january 25. We have a three week winter term that starts after the New Year and goes through the third week of the month.

This prevents us from starting school earlier so that we can extend our exam study week.

Staying in school a week later isnt really a feasible option because the weather turns unbearable REAL fast

Starting school earlier in August isnt highly likeley because the weather is still hot and muggy

We also have no fall break in Fall semester like some schools.

I think its time the University found some way to push two days out of the schedule because having only one study day really complicates things when you need to attend reviews held by professors but they all have to be held the same day, and yet at the same time you have to study for other classes, when exams start the next day

Just a few things I felt like complaining about hehe.

I'll write a legitimate post after finals.

See you all soon


Blogger Jay said...

I agree completely. A week off of our ridiculously long winter break could be split in half--give us a couple days for a long weekend "Fall Break", and give us a couple of extra study days in the spring.

You should write a letter to the Diamondback

8:28 PM  

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